Guidelines for forming a school in Dubai

Guidelines for forming a school in Dubai

School Permits

Following are the procedures for obtaining an educational services permit which allows the educators to establish a School in Dubai:

Academic Plan

Submission of Academic Plan along withdrawing of the proposed site plan and formal KHDA Application Form. KHDA shall issue preliminary approval to the application after evaluating the plan

Incorporation of an entity

Educators shall proceed for establishing a legal entity depending on the location (mainland or free zone). The entity in the mainland can be a limited liability company with 51% UAE national equity participation and 49% by foreign national. The shareholders of the entity can either be a natural person(s) or corporate(s).

 Issuance of Educational Services Permits

  • Subject to other relevant departments’ approval and upon submission of the following documents KHDA shall issue the final Education Services Permit.
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association, Board Resolution etc.
  • Appointment Letter of the Principal with passport copy
  • Attested and stamped annual calendar of the current academic year
  • Valid contract with a permitted clinic or hospital if there is no resident doctor appointed
  • Undertaking Letter
  • Certificate of Authorization for administrative staffs
  • Certificate of fitness from Dubai Municipality
  • Certificate of Environment, Health and Safety from Dubai Civil Defence
  • Copy of completion certificate of the building

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