Corporate Tax

Calculation of Corporate Tax Liability

Calculation of Corporate Tax Liability

[Based on the Public Consultation Document released by the Ministry of Finance, UAE on 28 April 2022.]

The proposed Corporate Tax rates and applicable thresholds remain the same as communicated earlier in the year. The Corporate Tax rates are as below:

Taxable IncomeRate of Tax
Taxable income up to AED 375,0000%
Taxable income above AED 375,000Taxable income above AED 375,000 9% (on a portion of taxable income exceeding AED 375,000)
For large Multinationals (having consolidated business revenues in excess of EUR 750 M)A different Tax Rate
Sample Tax Calculation Sheet
Taxpayer Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tax period: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SrParticularsAmount in AED
1Profit/Loss as per financial statement (A) XXXXXXXX
2.aDisallowance for expenses (expenses incurred to generate income that is not subject to tax)XX
2.bInterest expense disallowed (more than the capping rule (30% of EBITDA as per CT provisions))XX
2.cRelated party interest expense without valid commercial reasonXX
2.dRelated party payment made to freezone person who is taxed at 0%XX
2.eDisallowance for entertainment expenses (50% of total)XX
2.fAny expenses such as administrative penalties, recoverable VATXX

Subtotal of items from 2.a to 2.f (B)XXX


3.aIncome from foreign subsidiary operationsXX
3.bIncome from foreign branch operations (if claimed exempt)XX
3.cDividend income from domestic companies/freezone personXX
3.dDividend from foreign companies (eligible participation exemption)XX
3.eCapital gain on sale of shares (eligible participation exemption)XX

Subtotal of items from 3. a to 3. e (D)XXX

Gross Taxable income E= C-DXXXX

Less: Brought forward losses (F)XX

Total Taxable Income for the tax year (G= E-F)XXXX

Tax payable

Up to AED 375,0000

9% of (G – AED 375,000)XX

Less: Foreign tax creditXX

Net Tax PayableXX

Note: Unrealised Gain / Loss to be considered

Small Business Relief

Relief for startups and small businesses in the form of simplified financial and tax reporting obligations has been proposed

The exact procedure to be followed by the small business as regards accounting of income and filing of a corporate tax return shall be included in the final Tax Procedures Law.

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