Tax Agent Service in Dubai, UAE

Tax Agent Services Dubai, UAE


Who is a Tax Agent

A tax agent is an individual registered with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE. Such Registered Tax Agent in the UAE can enter into a contractual agreement to act on behalf of another person in complying tax obligations of his business. Further, the tax agent in the UAE has the power to represent the taxable person before the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) for any tax-related matters.

Tax agent in the UAE helps businesses to represent themselves before tax authority in any tax-related matters. Such registered tax agents in the UAE can ensure that businesses are complying their tax obligations.

Benefits of Appointing a Tax Agent in the UAE?

VAT Transaction advisory service is a type of VAT Advisory Service where a VAT expert analyses individual transaction of a business to identify the applicability of VAT. Such services are unique to a business entity. VAT Advisory services hold a special place in all tax regimes especially in the UAE since the implementation of tax is fairly new in the country.

As across the globe, the tax authority issues tax laws which will govern the tax practices in the respective region but such these laws will be generic in nature, Tax laws won’t cover specific scenarios a business might face but provides an insight to the taxability of transactions as a whole. That is where tax consultants come into the picture to provide VAT Transaction Advisory Services.

Our Tax consultants in the UAE are professionals with in-depth knowledge in the UAE tax laws and regulations of a region. Our Tax Consultants played a pivotal role in successfully implementing VAT in UAE by extending their support to the business communities in understanding the laws and regulations.

Tax Agent Services in Dubai, UAE

Tax Agent Services UAE

CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group] - Federal Tax Authority (FTA) Registered Tax Agent in Dubai, UAE.


Call for Consultation
Pradeep Sai | Partner
Mob: +971 556530001


Role of a Tax Agent in the UAE

  • Help save time and money
  • Assist Tax Implementation & Registration
  • Assists in Timely Return Filing
  • Acts as a long-term advisor
  • Assist in Tax Assessment & Representation
A Tax Agent in UAE, registered with the authority is expected to
  1. Support his clientele with Tax return filing assistance, ensuring timely submission of the tax return.
  2. Support in submitting the refund application and assist in answering queries from the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) related to the same.
  3. It is the responsibility of a tax agent in UAE, upon auditor’s request, to furnish all relevant documents required on the course of a tax audit in the UAE
  4. Tax agent must ensure that he maintains confidentiality about the client’s information while retaining the concerned records for a period of 5 years (15 for Real Estate Companies)
  5. It is expected that, as a registered tax agent in UAE, he/she shall maintain a record of their ‘Continuing Professional Development’ on a yearly basis.

Why CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group]?

We, Emirates International Chartered Accountants are a registered tax agency firm in the UAE with tax agency number 30003933. The Tax Agent’s name is Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Aly and holding TAAN 20024576 under FTA as an Approved Tax Agent in the UAE. Below is the screenshot from the official website of the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) showing our name as a registered tax agent in the UAE.

As your Tax Agent in the UAE, it will be our duty to support you in tax compliance while maintaining strict confidentiality about the transactions involved.

Being a leading professional/Audit firm in the region, we are committed to upholding the professional standards expected from us. Our confidence is rooted in 2000+ happy clients whom we have supported in developing accurate tax systems.

As Registered Tax agents in UAE, we are bound to adhere to a certain code of ethics to ensure ethical conduct as expected from a professional body. It is due to such strict adherence to policies and plans, we enjoy the goodwill of what we are today.

Appointing a Tax Agent in UAE

A taxable person can appoint a tax agency firm through their e-services portal on the FTA website.

If you wish to appoint Emirates International Chartered Accountants Co. as your tax agency, you should access your e-services portal. You shall use the ‘ Appoint tax agency’ link in the Dashboard. Search for ‘’ in the tab and all our details will appear. Click on ‘Submit a request’ which alerts us about your interest.

Once we receive your application, we will contact you and enter in to contract as required by the law. Our tax agent in UAE will be assigned to you immediately after finalizing the contract and can render tax agent services as sought.

We Emirates International Chartered Accountants provide Tax Agent Services, Tax Advisory Services, VAT Implementation Services, VAT Return Filing, VAT Compliance Review, and Tax Consultancy Services in all Seven Emirates – For more information on tax agent services, please contact our following representatives:

For Tax Agent Service in Abu Dhabi
Mr.  Hari Krishnan NPS
+971 56 578 7047

For Tax Agent Service in Dubai & Northern Emirates
Mr. Manu Palerichal
+971 50 2828727

Looking for a professional
Audit firm in Dubai, UAE?

To ensure clients progress financially and socially.

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Tax Agent Services -FAQ

People usually ask

Ans: No, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has not mandated the appointment of a tax agent in the UAE. Though it is not mandatory, considering the dynamic nature of the economy, a lot of businesses in the UAE tend to appoint a tax agent to ensure proper compliance and thus avoiding penalties from the authority for noncompliance.

Ans: Every tax agent in UAE and tax agency firm in UAE registered with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is available in the official website

Our registered tax agency firm in the UAE is Emirates International Chartered Accountants with tax agency number 30003933. The Tax Agent is Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Aly and holding TAAN 20022476 under FTA as an Approved Tax Agent in the UAE.

Ans: A tax agent in UAE can only act through a tax agency firm. Hence it is advisable to approach a tax agency firm for availing tax agent services in the UAE.

Ans: One of the primary responsibility of a tax agent in UAE is to represent themselves, on behalf of their clientele, before the FTA during the course of an audit conducted by the FTA.

Copyright © 2025 CLA Emirates